You all probably thought I was dead didn't you? And by you all I am of course refering to the one or two people who even know of this blog's existence. I digress. I have much to discuss and inform the interweb about, so let's get this gig rolling.
My last entry was March. Wow time has flown by. You are probably asking why I have gone silent these last several months well, i've been fairly busy. March was the start of Spring Break down in WDW which blended with Easter and then quickly turned to summer travel with the flood of tourists and Brazil dissolving it's title as a country. (Cast Member humor. You'd understand if you were there)
My college program was filled with so much fun and experiences that I honestly can not do it justice in paraphrasing. I'm met so many wonderful friends and shared so many memories with them that it was incredibly hard to walk beneath the train station on the final day of my program in August. I liken it to my final concert with Madrigals in 2005. Thankfully, I choose to create a series of videos on youtube ( that i could remember all the good times and also as a means of showing my friends back in Utah what I had been doing with myself.
You may ask why I would give up the magic and return to reality. Sadly, prior obligations the biggest being school and I needed to come home to work at my old job so that I could make some money. I was the only person in my apartment (9102 will always be my apartment.) to actually recieve an extension to my program which would have allowed me to stay from August through January. Believe me: Every day I changed my mind on whether I would accept or decline it. In the end the obligations outweighed my wishes this time but I was able to stay with the company as a Campus Rep for the U of U. So while i'm stuck in inversion filled Utah, I am still in my heart working for a mouse.
I'll do more than just this cursory blog next time, for which there will be a next time and not before 2012.
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